Pricing and Payouts

Charge customers and pay drivers

Pricing and Payouts

Charge customers and pay drivers

Configure pricing models for each customers

Automate 80% of your billing process and make sure your customers have clear visibility and control over their numbers.

Generate data to support driver payments

Reduce processing time by 40%. Ensure your drivers are compensated promptly for their services, based on their activities in their driver app.

Keep track of your profitability

Increase your revenue by 5% just by ensuring your transaction-based accounting is correct. Match it against your full costs, your customer's reports and control your profitability.

Streamlined billing and payouts

Tracking these financial aspects keeps your profitability in line. On the revenue side you can configure your pricing for each customer. On the costs side you can define payment rules, ensuring their fair compensation and contributing to a smooth and effective logistics operation.

In Cockpit platform, users can easily configure pciring models to charge for their deliveries
In Cockpit platform, users can easily configure pciring models to charge for their deliveries
In Cockpit platform, users can easily configure pciring models to charge for their deliveries

Last-mile delivery is hard, but it doesn’t need to be that way.

Transform your business with no upfront costs.

  • Route Optimization

    Driver App

    Live Tracking

    Customer Portal

    Customer Notifications

    Proof of Delivery




Last-mile delivery is hard, but it doesn’t need to be that way.

Transform your business with no upfront costs.

  • Route Optimization

    Driver App

    Live Tracking

    Customer Portal

    Customer Notifications

    Proof of Delivery


