Proof of Delivery

Verified delivery confirmations

Proof of Delivery

Verified delivery confirmations

Reduced fraud and

Keeping legal proof of your deliveries cannot only protect you but also your drivers. Companies that enforce Proof of Deliveries (PoDs) can reduce your claim costs by 80%.

Share PoDs with your customers in real-time

Your customers can query your PoDs by themselves without depending on you and your team. Reduce manual verification effort by 40% by sharing these details with your customer.

Choose your own PoD mechanism

We support several PoD methods for you to choose from - signatures, photos, driver location or even Uber-style pin codes.

Transparent and verified deliveries

Our automated process guarantees 100% accuracy, eliminates disputes, and enhances overall customer satisfaction. Experience the benefits of streamlined operations and improved customer trust.

GoWizi allows for PIN code, picture or signature as proof of deliveries
GoWizi allows for PIN code, picture or signature as proof of deliveries
GoWizi allows for PIN code, picture or signature as proof of deliveries

Last-mile delivery is hard, but it doesn’t need to be that way.

Transform your business with no upfront costs.

  • Route Optimization

    Driver App

    Live Tracking

    Customer Portal

    Customer Notifications

    Proof of Delivery




Last-mile delivery is hard, but it doesn’t need to be that way.

Transform your business with no upfront costs.

  • Route Optimization

    Driver App

    Live Tracking

    Customer Portal

    Customer Notifications

    Proof of Delivery


